Bella, Ragdoll Kitty—our new child!

Now that all the kids are gone, our house is really quiet. Our new “baby,” Bella Pearl, is bringing so much joy that she is like having a new child! She deserves a whole category on this blog because she is so wonderful and fun!

This is one of her favorite spots. She likes to sit at the counter and watch me cook and wash dishes.



She is called a Ragdoll type of Persian. If you look closely at this picture, you can see that she is twisted from the middle with her front legs turned one way and her back legs turned another! It’s like her backbone is twisted. She can be positioned into many shapes and she loves it.




She loves to play.  She has a tiny mouse that she likes to carry around. She’s learning how to play fetch. Soon I will post a video!


          Here’s how she loves to sleep when she’s really relaxed…oh, the life of a cat—naps everyday!

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