When all our kids left home the house was really empty and quiet. Our two long term cats were gone; Sandy died and Smelly disappeared. Our daughter, Becca, decided we needed another cat so she got on the computer and found one! Our new kitten was born in Tennessee, and her online picture was so beautiful. We met the owner in north huntsville and got our beautiful new kitten. That was seven years ago. She has grown more beautiful and sweeter every day! We named her Bella which means beautiful, and her name really fits her. She is a breed called a Ragdoll which is a kind of Himalayan. A long time ago we had a Himalayan name MistyKo that lived 17 years! In many ways Bella acts like a dog. She will play fetch with toy mice and loves to follow us around. She will jump in our laps to be brushed or petted, and then lays down near us. She even goes to the bathroom outside once in the morning and once in the evening. Her hair is really soft and doesn’t easily get matted, so we’ve never had to shave her. Especially in the winter her “mane” gets really furry and she looks like a lion.
I was recently thinking about how creative God is in giving us pets. Just watching Bella when she is watching the birds is so entertaining. She sneaks up on them and even hides behind the wall, but so far she hasn’t caught one as far as I know. She likes to play chase with Jim around the island in the kitchen—it’s hilarious to watch when he changes directions and chases her. Pets are so amazing—like toys that are alive! They are great company—Bella often listens to me talk to her when I am home alone. Her listening ear helps me make decisions! She is amazing! Thank you, God, for giving us pets!
She flattens herself out like a pancake in the grass to hide from the birds.

Bella loves to hide on the other side of the wall in the grass and slowly raise her head. Then she jumps over and attacks! But she never gets any thing. She loves hunting.

This is her lion pose! Watch out, you little birds!